The Cost Of Mastery
Jul 04, 2024➜ A U T H E N T I C I T Y
In a sea of hyper saturated music releases, the most important thing that you can do to stand out is get in touch with, and then fully embody, your unique and authentic self as a creator. By creating from this ineffable sense of being, you naturally connect with people on a deeply spiritual level through your music. Your work takes on a sense of meaning for you beyond label or genre and you develop a deep connection with your most creative self. Throughout House Music Mastery you will uncover who you really are as an artist. You will learn to listen to your intuitive understanding of music and let it guide you to your next creations. You will learn to instill into your music the fingerprint of your soul and create a sound and feeling that is truly your own.
➜ D I S C I P L I N E
Discipline means working to sharpen your craft daily, and consistently put out music, even when you don't feel as seen, appreciated, or perhaps inspired as you feel you should be. Being disciplined and setting deadlines is crucial to your growth. The only way that you can actually share the art of your heart with the world at large is by finishing things and sending them out to the people. By the end of House Music Mastery, you will have developed discipline and personal accountability. You will haver created structure that will allow you to plan, and then take action on your plans long into the future.You will know where you are going and what it is that you need to do to get there.
➜ M I N D S E T
It is of utmost priority in life to disassemble negative belief systems and alter ineffective behaviour patterns if we wish to move forward with our purposes. It is crucial to rebuild a understanding of the world, and your place within it, to best allow you to do what you came here to do If you are not satisfied with your circumstances, it is only by changing the way that you think, and thus act, that you can have your life change in any meaningful way. In House Music Mastery, you will learn to create a worldview of your own that will massively up- level your chance at success. You will learn how to live a more meaningful and connected life and experience deeper levels on connection with humanity at large. It is vital to learn to operate from a place of faith and inner clarity to maintain your sanity in this oft confusing life.
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